Thursday, March 20, 2014

Too Many Months Later... (!)

Sooooo... Yeeeeaaaah... This is awkward...

I really fail when it comes to the whole "Keeping up with my blog regularly" aspiration...
*Angel Face*

In my defense, I have been keeping QUITE busy these past few months!

Working full-time, 
Trying to weather through this bitter winter, 
Living at home after being away for two years, 
Beginning my student loan payments, 
Making serious life decisions for myself, 
Enjoying the refreshing lifestyle of singleness, 
Trying to keep learning new things/be productive as much as possible, 
And so much more!

Oh! Also, sleeping...!
Sometimes sleeping gets in there too... 
... Somewhere... 
... If I can fit it (!) 

One thing that I am really trying to do is focus on being creative amidst my crazy life. 

For now, that has had to be recognized in updating my life through photos statuses on Instagram. 
: P

Albeit, most of my photos are of my little brother, Timmy, and/or Starbucks-related, but hey, those are two major highlights in my life right now ^_^

Please feel free to follow me! 
As you can see on the sidebar, my screen-name is Courtney093

Many of you know already that I am in the process of moving BACK to the west coast. 

I'm sure you cannot tell in any way whatsoever, but I am VERY excited!


Recently, I got to go on a last-minute birthday excursion to visit friends of mine in both the High Desert and the Pasadena areas of California. 

Needless to say, I had an absolute blast!

As you can imagine, I had a very difficult time tearing myself away from the gorgeous weather of the west coast and returning to the snow storm that awaited my return a few days after I resumed my east coast life once again.

That being the case, on the evening the snow fell, I promised myself that the next day I would go through craigslist in both California and Arizona and try to find a good rental opportunity - One near enough to a Starbucks store so that I could transfer!- and call the contact number right away. 

Well, after my shift was over, and I had placed myself in front of my broken laptop's screen, I happened to find an ad for a great condo-share opportunity in Arizona! 

I called the landlord, and we talked about the ad. Then I contacted the young woman who I would be sharing with, and discussed a few things as well. 

Long story short, after many more conversations and a video call, I will be moving to Arizona by either May or June of this year!

Yep, that is only a month or two away 

I may as well take advantage of being young and independent while I can, right??

I have wanted to live in California or Arizona, or around there, for many years. I tried the first out, so I figured, why not go for the second this time?

It is certainly bittersweet, the whole moving again and leaving family, and co-workers, and awesome regulars behind, but I am more-so overwhelmed with the thrilling opportunity to begin my life on my own in a new location!

Over the past 7 months or so, I have certainly experienced a roller-coaster of life events; however, those have only continued to shape me into the (hopefully!) more mature and independent young woman I am becoming!

Being the sentimental individual that I am, it will be emotionally tortuous to have to determine what little I can bring with me, leave behind, and throw/give away or sell... 

A task which is less appealing to me than mailing in my deposit for the condo-share rental!

Ah well, we all must grow up someday to one extent or another
... *Sigh* ... 

Well, I probably should go and find something else productive to accomplish!

Thanks for reading!

Keep an eye out for new posts in the upcoming months. 

(Hopefully, I won't take another six plus months to post again!)

Wish me luck! 

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Now's the time to do things like this; I did and never regretted. When I was contemplating moving to NYC or not, a woman who was renting a room in the boarding house I was hoping to get into (rents in NYC being what they were at the time a female-only boarding house was safe and cheap) told me "if you don't move, you'll always wonder what it would have been like. If you move and don't like it, you know you can go back if you want to." That sealed the deal for me; and I hope you have lots of adventures and fun in AZ; and write about them here for us to enjoy!


What do you think? :)