Thursday, August 29, 2013

NO, A New One!

If any of you know that reference (The post title), I am proud to have you reading this post :)

Oh Courtney Amber, Courtney Amber... 
What are you going to do next?

Well, apparently, I usually tend to find myself bored, yet desiring to be somewhat creative... In which case, in my acting upon such desires, I will then proceed to concoct a brand new blog idea with the intention of keeping up with it A LOT more than I EVER end up actually doing. 

That being the case, I WILL NOT promise to keep up with this blog any better than I have my previous blogs. 

However, as always, I shall STRIVE to do so...
We'll just have to wait and see what happens in reality.

For better understanding of the aforesaid situations, please peruse the tab "Buried Blogs" near the topish of this site... 

Next to the tab marked "Home"... It's dark green and--Yes, yes, very good, you've found it... Now, hold off clicking/tapping that particular tab until you've finish reading this post... 


You can be rebellious and just go ahead and click it... Go for it! Who am I to tell you how to live? I am merely someone who is attempting to write a variety of words into a somewhat interesting, cohesive manner so as to capture your short-lived attention spans just a teeny bit longer...

Hmmm... I think it worked... 
...For now anyway...

Ahem, back to what I was trying to say...

This blog has neither a situational title, nor even a catchy one at that. It is simply "Me", Courtney Amber... Who, as you may know, is hardly someone who could so easily be classified as "simple"... 

However, the only way that you would truly know this is if you have had the (Unfortunate? Fortunate?) pleasure of knowing me in any way, shape, or form. Well, if you don't know me in person yet, you're going to get a tiny glimpse into who I am... If I post anymore after this that is...(!)

So yes, this blog is, for lack of a better explanation, ME.

What will I share on this blog you ask?

Who knows!!!!

This is a blog run by me... ANYTHING could happen!
(Within reason of course... I hope...!)

Heck... I may even post more than one time in a day! 
(Le Gasp!)

Like I said before, we will all just have to wait and see.........


What do you think? :)