Friday, September 6, 2013

Muggle Snuggles!

Being the big sister of 5 younger siblings is a crazy, yet rewarding job! 

I'd like to believe that I've done more good in their lives than not, but either way, we all seem to love each other very much. 
In the end, I guess that's what matters the most... 

(I'm sure that there is an 11 year old boy who would dispute using the term "love" with regards to his siblings, but that's another matter for another day)

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is that I not only get to help my younger siblings do their work at any random point during the day (Sometimes lessons that I used to do!), but I also get to spend quality time with them!

I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to be so closely involved in their lives, so I'm trying a lot harder to carpe diem when they ask for me :)

Today, Timmy (7), the youngest and uncontestedly the all-around favorite of the family, came up to me with his big brown eyes and said "Courtney! Will you snuggle with me??"

(Taken January 12th, by my mom)

How can one resist such a face????

Mom happened to walk through the Living Room a few minutes later and, as any true homeschool mother would, brought Tim's reading book to us. We may as well be productive right? ;)

(I crocheted that blanket for Abbey this past Christmas)
(iTouch photo credit: Alicia Schiller)

.I don't mind. 

It's nice to finally be able to enjoy snuggles and school with the kids like I used to. 

When will I have this opportunity again?

In reality, that answer will probably be "tomorrow," but in the long run, I know that these days are limited.

So yes thank you. I will take this and any other opportunity to share "Muggle Snuggles" with my Timmy. 

It's the little things in life that become the most precious to us in the end... And those tend to come and go in the blink of an eye...

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